Studies show that children who are more active have better focus, faster cognitive processing and retention, and fewer behavior issues.
Play, movement, and Physical Education give kids the chance to take breaks from the rigor of schoolwork, relieve stress, and have fun. Incorporating exercise and movement throughout the day is an essential part of our happy, healthy school culture at Perkins.
Perkins students have structured Physical Education class for 30 minutes every day. Our program incorporates unique activities (not just traditional sports) to allow children of all abilities and interests to be confidently and fully involved, with daily opportunities to enjoy a variety of learning experiences in games, fitness, and sports. At Perkins, our students acquire a variety of physical skills, a sense of sportsmanship and fair play, and an understanding of the benefits of an active lifestyle.
Students at Perkins get outside for recess for 30-60 minutes each day on top of the daily half hour of P.E. Unstructured time, fresh air, and exercise provide proven benefits beyond a simple break. Our “loose-parts” playground and large climbing structure encourages social skill development, creativity, and exercise.